Saturday, June 30, 2012

TV's at the Dentists office, pure genius.

So on a recent trip the dentist, we found that they had implemented a system to working with children in their office...TV's.  Pure genius!!  Kids will lay down on the table, sit still (this used to be when they would start the squirming that eventually lead to the kicking and gnashing of teeth) and just watch a cartoon while the "used to be hated" dentist will do his usual poking and prodding in their mouth.  Why have we not done this sooner??  Kids watch a TV screen on the ceiling, have headphones to hear the movie and not even notice that they are even in a dentist office.  Thank heavens to child dentists that have helped keep parents sane for these past few years.  The is a great accomplishment and is keeping any kind of remotely good relationship for kids towards these offices for years to come.

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