Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Would This Help?

     So you know its scary when someone comes in the bathroom after you and leave before you are done.  Now this could happen if you need a little extra time, but usually when a guy visits the bathroom to use the urinals and someone beats him out, there is something going on.  
     At work today, this very thing just happened.  I had just started to wash my hands when a guy had come in, disposed of his body liquids, and was passing me on the way out WITHOUT WASHING HIS HANDS.  Common sense people, why do people do this?  Are we really in that much of a hurry to not wash our hands?
     So having lived in other countries, I've seen this a lot, NEVER got use to it, but I knew, hey it's NOT America.  But we should all know better, in most of these other countries, there is often not soup or good clean water.  Usually we have both and some of us still can't take the time to wash.  
     But the question is, would an alarm like this help..I believe NOT.  Just the fact that these people ( and I say these people because I know there is more than one, I saw another guy 6 years ago do the same thing...could of been the same guy, not sure) would do this in front of others (I and three others saw him) would tell me THEY DON'T CARE.  And to me, that is sad.  But still I wish we had had this alarm, its always fun to point fingers.

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