Friday, March 21, 2014

Why is sugar on top of sugar so much better?

It's so funny when you take a cookie packed with sugar and butter, and you think how can I make this better?  Oh wait I know, just add frosting.  It's just funny that something so cramed with sugar would need any more sugar to tame the tast buds of a cookie-holic.

Funny how we are, the sweeter the better.  But can we over do it?  I mean can a treat ever be to sweet?  I guess that is to be proven.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Can you eat Hot Dogs for breakfast?

Recently visited a gas station in the wee hours of the morning, and found they all ready had brats and dogs on their little rotating sizzler.  

Do people really eat that stuff for breakfast?  So I tried the glamorous unprocessed meat (I'm guessing it was organic), it wasn't good.  First of all hot dogs have always been kind of a mystery meat, and putting that down your gullet first thing can be disasterous I think....we'll actually I know.

Take some common sense from the reckless, these were never meant to be eaten before 11:59 am.  Be safe out there.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Are Girl Scout Cookies Overrated?

So I know I'll get crap for this one, but honestly I just ordered $21 worth of cookies, enough for 6 different boxes to give me a variety tasting event in my kitchen.  My conclusion, overrated.  People buy these to support little girls, not because of their gourmet flavors.  Long live the Girl Scouts.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bathroom Business

All good thoughts start with a question.  Is it wrong to be using my electronic devices while in the bathroom?  Most days this is the only place to really think, in quiet, away from yelling kids.

I find it the most convenient time to watch a short video clip or favorite movie scenes.  When I enter this small theater made for one, and turn off the lights, turn up the volumn , it's the perfect surround sound theater we have in the house.

I guess it really makes up for not having a big screen TV with high def or a TV at all. I guess it's just a poor mans theater, but it's still the best seat in the house.

Hawaiian Shirts

It's interesting we have Hawaiian shirts, because true Hawaiians probably don't wear any kind of a shirt.  I think it's a thing done only in the office setting to make the minions feel somewhat appreciated.  If you cannot afford to go to Hawaii, then at least you can put on a dorky foreigner shirit that has a pattern of a sun and palm trees.

That should take care of that dream to get away on a vacation.  Ok, now back to work.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One Trillion Dollars.... Hahaha

Inflation.  Scary thing isn't it?  They showed these around the office.  It's a reserve bank note of Zimbabwe.  When inflation gets out of hand the printing presses are sure working hard.  But just like a house of cards it usually all comes tumbling down.

So what would "one hundred trillion dollars" ( I feel like I'm in one of the Austin Powers movies as the evil villan) actually buy?  Probably not much.  Going back in the time tunnel to the German Weimar Republic I think a wheelbarrow of cash only got you a loaf of bread.  In fact I think the story goes when the person went to get the cash outside the bakery, someone had dumped out the cash and stole the wheelbarrow.

About Me

My Name is Pepe Montego (no not really, but for the sake of having a name on this blog and keeping my privacy I found this name, pretty cool eh?)

I’m a typical man in his 30’s that just sees this world in a different pair of dark hazel eyes.  All this man wants to know is why things are done the way they are done (does that make sense?).

The goal of this blog is to do nothing more than create a little curiosity, make fun of the social norm and maybe even provide a wee bit of entertainment.  Please excuse me if anything I say comes across as offensive.  It is not my intention to offend, just to be curious.

Bottom line, (and I LOVE to get down to the bottom line) life is too short to just follow along what others are always doing; sometimes we need that rebel or misfit to point out the obvious.  Like the ones who see things differently, thanks Steve Jobs.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Who Orders Appetizers at a Buffet?

So I have this family member that is afraid she will die if she isn’t the first one in line( as if anyone could go hungry during a family gathering for Thanksgiving).  I mean it’s more like, she is terrified there will not be enough food if she is last, maybe it’s just me, but she is the only one I know like this.  

So quick answer to this entry question, maybe people need to feel like they can take some food with them, even though they are so full they have to waddle like a 9 month old pregnant women on their way out.  Who can even think of taking food out, or even look at food when you just spent the last 45 minutes stuffing your face.

Short Fountain

First of all I’m not here to make fun, but at work the drinking fountain is completely catered to the shorter person.  So I’m not tall, just shy of 6’, but every time I get a drink I’m imagining I’m a samurai warrior who has to bow down to his knees to fight the master of water just to parch my lips, ahhhh yah.  Call me lazy, but seems like a lot of bowing for just a sip of that cool and refreshing natural H2O.  Why are they so low to the ground, don’t they understand most people will need to get so low to get a drink they might just give up and not even use that drinking fountain.  Wouldn't that be a waste of resources, at that point?  Also, just an afterthought, it seems weird one would need to bend over so low and then have to fight gravity to suck that water up and into their mouth and into their stomach.  Maybe I’m looking into it too much. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

What Makes a Person Free?

I can't help but think as I ride public transportation, and see all these people pour in and out of the trains like tinny worker ants, are they free?  Do they feel like they are trapped in their job?  Do they feel like they could quite and find a perfectly good job elsewhere?  Do they feel confined to not standing up for them self at work for fear they might lose their job?  

Ants don't ask these questions, they just follow and work, what am I?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best Things Are NOT Free

Contrary to the song ("The Best Things in Life Are Free" is a duet between singers Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson) there are things that are simply amazing, and most certainly are not free.  Just thinking how some of the things I cannot live without, and of course like most people (unless you got your Obama phone, that was free) they had to pay for these things.

  1. Cellphone - These are just that, amazing.  They have been the killer to the home phone and now will continue to dominate the internet experience as well.  A must have for everyone person, can't live without one.
  2. At home printer
  3. Laptop
  4. Washer and dryer
  5. Cheese