My Name is Pepe Montego (no not really, but for the sake of having a name on this blog and keeping my privacy I found this name, pretty cool eh?)
I’m a typical man in his 30’s that just sees this world in a different pair of dark hazel eyes. All this man wants to know is why things are done the way they are done (does that make sense?).
The goal of this blog is to do nothing more than create a little curiosity, make fun of the social norm and maybe even provide a wee bit of entertainment. Please excuse me if anything I say comes across as offensive. It is not my intention to offend, just to be curious.
Bottom line, (and I LOVE to get down to the bottom line) life is too short to just follow along what others are always doing; sometimes we need that rebel or misfit to point out the obvious. Like the ones who see things differently, thanks Steve Jobs.
Thanks for visiting my blog.